A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Statistics: Gun Violence in Our Communities
In a single year, 3,012 children and teens were killed by gunfire in the United States, according to the latest national data released in 2002.
In one year, firearms killed no children in Japan, 19 in Great Britain, 57 in Germany, 109 in France, 153 in Canada, and 5,285 in the United States. (Centers for Disease Control)
Between 1979 and 2001, gunfire killed 90,000 children and teens in America.
American kids are 16 times more likely to be murdered with a gun, 11 times more likely to commit suicide with a gun, and nine times more likely to die from a firearm accident than children in 25 other industrialized countries combined. (Centers for Disease Control)
Hey, sorcerers! If you will simply accord "gunfire", "firearms", and "a gun" their Constitutional right to "due process of law" in a competent court of law, you will find that in each and every case, a legal "person" was the cause of injury and death, either intentionally or negligently, and "gunfire", "firearms"and "a gun" are not capable of causing any of these incidents in the absence of deliberate actuation by a legal "person" or "persons".
You cannot charge, try and convict "gunfire", "firearms", or "a gun" with, or for, culpability in any of these incidents in a court of law, and the right of We, the People, to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. All current "gun regulation" that infringes upon the right of the people to keep and bear arms in the absence of due process of law in each and every case is a criminal violation of the provisions of the Second Amendment and rests solely on the unconstitutional power of the federal, state and local governments, the collusion of large segments of the population and the private sector, and the criminally negligent acquiescence of the American People.
If you cannot tolerate the Second Amendment-guaranteed right of the people to keep and bear arms and its prohibition of the government infringing on that right, and if you cannot accord the people "due process of law" in each and every case before infringing on those rights, then you have the following options: follow the Constitutionally prescribed process for amending the Constitution, emigrate from the United States of America and the jurisdiction of our insufferable Constitution, or continue to engage in the subversive, sorcerous treason cited above and hope that the criminal federal regime that now nurtures and coddles you is never supplanted by one that will actually uphold and defend the Constitution against you, its domestic enemies, as it has been enjoined to do by responding lawfully to the First Amendment Petition entitled "Operation Broken Arrow". If, on the other hand, the Federal, State and Local governments respond lawfully to the First Amendment Petition entitled "Operation Broken Arrow", rest assured that oath-bound office holders opposed to it will precede you in facing the charge of treason in a Constitutional court of law. By then, most of you will have had the good sense to abandon your treasonous activism for more constructive pursuits. Those of you who do not possess such good sense will leave the nation well-improved by your absence through incarceration, emigration or death by lawful execution, or lawful elimination through engagement with deadly force by duly empowered federal, state and local agencies of the Constitutional government of the United States of America, should you foolishly employ violent resistance.
Bill O'Reilly, in his "Pinheads and Patriots" segment, called musician/activist (Look! All the usual suspects!) and rock group "The Police" frontman "Sting" a "patriot" (........"Sting" is a "patriot" of what, Mr. O'Reilly? I think you have "Pinheads and Patriots" thoroughly confused....)
Spirits In The Material World
The Police (Sting)
(Lyrics excerpted)
There is no political solution
To our troubled evolution
Have no faith in constitution
There is no bloody revolution
One World (Not Three)
The Police (Sting)
(Lyrics excerpted)
The third world breathes our air tomorrow
We live on the time we borrow
In our world there's no time for sorrow
In their world there is no tomorrow
Lines are drawn upon the world
Before we get our flags unfurled
Whichever one we pick
It's just a self deluding trick
I don't want to bring a sour note
Remember this before you vote
We can all sink or we all float
'Cos we're all in the same big boat
It may seem a million miles away
But it gets a little closer everyday
It may seem a million miles away
But it gets a little closer everyday
It may seem a million miles away
But it gets a little closer everyday
One world...
Englishman In New York
Nothing Like the Sun (1987)
Takes more than combat gear to make a man
Takes more than a license for a gun
Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can
A gentleman will walk but never run
If, 'Manners maketh man' as someone said
Then he's the hero of the day
It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
Be yourself no matter what they say
I'm an alien I'm a legal alien
I'm an Englishman in New York
I'm an alien I'm a legal alien
I'm an Englishman in New York
...for his participation in this "benefit" for Christopher Rodriguez:
Hear Today: Sting headlines star-studded benefit for Oakland boy
CHRISTOPHER RODRIGUEZ was making music the day his world was changed forever.
Now, others are gathering to make music in support of the young Oakland resident. The goal again is to change his world — this time for the better.
Rodriguez's case — a tragic example of the many innocents harmed by gun violence each year in the United States — is well documented. The drama began in January 2008 as the boy, then a fifth-grader, was in the midst of a piano lesson. Across the street, a man allegedly was using a gun to rob a gas station. Shots were fired, and one stray bullet severely wounded Rodriguez.
As a result, Rodriguez is paralyzed from the waist down and might never walk again.
(end of excerpt)
( Bill O'Reilly, in a typical failure to thoroughly grasp the issue under discussion, allowed Richard Dawkins to present the Darwinian concept of origins as the result of scientific inquiry. It is not. It remains unsubstantiated and impossibly statistically improbable conjecture propped up as the established religious view of the American Globalist Regime in order to persuade its subjects that there is no Higher Power nor Transcendant Reality beyond that which is subject to human...read government...control. See Psychological Warfare, below. )
To the de-globalized Congress of the United States of America, on the status of Bill O'Reilly as a "Pinhead" or a "Patriot", you make the call:
The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but noAttainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
Unconventional warfare (abbreviated UW) is the opposite of conventional warfare. Where conventional warfare is used to reduce an opponent's military capability, unconventional warfare is an attempt to achieve military victory through acquiescence, capitulation, or clandestine support for one side of an existing conflict.
On the surface, UW contrasts with conventional warfare in that: forces or objectives are covert or not well-defined, tactics and weapons intensify environments of subversion or intimidation, and the general or long-term goals are coercive orsubversive to a political body.
The U.S. Department of Defense defines psychological warfare (PSYWAR) as: "The planned use of propaganda and other psychological actions having the primary purpose ofinfluencing the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of hostile foreign groups in such a way as to support the achievement of national objectives."[1]
During World War II the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff defined psychological warfare more broadly stating "Psychological warfare employs any weapon to influence the mind of the enemy. The weapons are psychological only in the effect they produce and not because of the weapons themselves."[2]
The Police - Spirits In The Material World Lyrics
Our so-called leaders speak
With words they try to jail you
They subjugate the meek
But its the rhetoric of failure
Christopher Rodriguez is being exploited, as was James Brady, by enemies of the Second Amendment and the "due process of law" restraints on the government's power to infringe the Second Amendment Constitutional rights of the American People, to shift culpability in the minds of the public for young master Rodriguez' injuries from the alleged armed robber to the presence of a gun at the scene of the crime. The fact that young master Rodriguez is a minor aggravates the crime of Treason with the enhancement of exploiting a child during the commission of the crime.
A few months ago, a local TV station's coverage of the observance of the anniversary of one teenager's death by gunshot at the hands of another teenager left the impression that if it weren't for the damned gun, neither of the teens' lives would have been ruined.
During a recent ABC TV "Good Morning America" interview of an online firearms and accessories dealer, the interviewer asked the fellow if he felt personally responsible for the victims of homicide committed with some of his products. It was an act of ideological rape committed in the plain view of thousands, if not millions of viewers. What a psychopathic pervert. ( Another spell broken by operation of the Gift of God. Blessed and hallowed be His Holy Name.) America cannot long tolerate such psycho-social abuses and outrages and survive as a civil society.
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