The Lord led me to this blog page because I wanted to comment on a post by Donald W. Mitchell that God used to minister comfort and assurance to me. http://livespirituallybetterthanabillionaire.blogspot.com/The presence of His Spirit was so precious, especially at this time, because my circumstances are teetering on the brink of financial catastrophe and all I've got is faith and hope that God will preserve my home and marriage. Bill Keller's devotional was from my long parted son's 18th birthday and included the comforting exhortation to cast my cares on the Lord. Our wall calendar's scripture for today is Matthew 11:28. It's Jesus invitation for the heavy laden to come to Him for rest. When my son was an infant, I flew with him to visit my paternal grandfather, who was dying of cancer. The most memorable part was the flight back from Phoenix, Az. to the San Francisco Bay Area, which took us directly over the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam. Mr. Mitchell mentions flying over it twice in his blog. He also mentions Niagara Falls, which also has significance in things that I hope for from the Lord regarding Buffalo,N.Y. and O.J. Simpson's appearance in a prophetic passage in the book of Proverbs, chapter 7. I'm expecting the Lord to pull the curtain back on these revelations and turn American Christians back to Jesus Christ, and away from empty churchianity and the service of mammon. I have suffered much loss at the hands of such false Christians and I have been waiting, not always very patiently, for the Lord to turn my captivity. I can see some pieces moving, but I've been very disappointed when I assumed what would happen. But through it all, God has been working in me, and I must concur that the sufferings are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed. I'm seeing His image more clearly in me than I thought possible, although there remains a long way to go. I urge those of you who know what it means to count the cost of following Jesus, and reckon it worthwhile, and who know the pain of loving Him more than life itself. He is worthy and faithful, and though the road be long and harsh, He is with us always, even to the end of the age, and He knows the way that we take. He reminded me of this today. Blessed be His holy name!
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